I came into this world approximately 4-6 weeks early back in 1986; even as a mere newborn (nay, even earlier!) it seems I loathed waiting. In 26 years, patience is still a skill that needs improvement on my life report card. This is probably the main cause of my present day caffeine dependency.
I've lived all over New England, and Boston is still my favorite place on earth. That'd probably change if I took a luxury trip to someplace tropical, but I haven't so Bean Town it is. I don't live there now, though. The rest of my favorite things in life, apart from peoplewise, revolve around artsy fartsy creative supplies and processes. And food. Damn I LOVE food. Don't believe me? Poke my Buddah belly.
I probably think I'm funnier than I am. Actually, that's a lie, because one time in high school, a friend told me to be a comedian. So my humor ego is justified.